Saturday, October 13, 2007

How to mend your broken heart after hard break-up?

Many of us not always emotionally strong enough to handle a situation with care and responsibility. A lot of us face difficultie in dealing with the problems in their love lives. Some give up just like that and some continue fighting for what they beleive they deserve. From my own personal experience, i can say its very easier said than being in a situation like that but hey we cant just sit idol and mourne about our loss, cause life goes on no matter what.

Life is very precious, do not simply loose the times of your life sitting idol mourning about your loss. Life is only once, live every moment of it and have no regrets, that's what its all about. I'm gonna give you some ideas on how to deal with break-ups. I have had so many break-ups in my life that i can almost guarantee you that it will work for you too some way or the other. The best solution to a break-up is to date someone new and take things slow. It heals you faster than anything else. And i will give you some ideas on how to find someone new. First of all, after you break-up with your girl friend/boy friend, you gotta stop thinking about him/her, get a pen and paper and write down all the things you have always wanted to do alone when you were with himher. Secondly, gather some friends you wanted to get in touch with and throw a party, tell your friends to invite their friends and that means a chance to know new people. Try not to show anyone that your shattered from the break-up nd enjoy it instead. Get drunk or do whatever that makes you happy, i know its hard but you gotta do it to help yourself. You will see, some new people will be drawn towards you and your problems will be half solved.

For those who are not financially stable and are unable to throw a party. Dont worry, you do have have friends i beleive. They are most valuable resource when it comes to seeking help, gather some of your friends and tell them you have an idea in your head. Tell them, how you have always wanted to throw a BBQ party and meet a lot of new girls/guys. Make it interesting to them by including some games or a way to meet girls in the party. They will defintely be interested when they hear about an opportunity to meet new girls/guys. Prepare some games like this, call out a girl and a boy from the crowd with the same b'day, have four couples with the same b'day and then get to compete with each other. That will give them a chance to get to know each other.

You might be wondering how does it all help you in the whole process? Well to answer your question, you be the host of the party. There you go the best way to draw everyone's attention. These are all from my personal experiences, they worked out well for me. Each time i break-up with someone i throw a party and have loads of fun. I dont even remember my ex in the whole process and that helps with the mending process real fast.

The most important thing in dealing with a break-up is that never sit home or anywhere alone. Always make a way of interacting with others, when your friends are not around just start a conversation with a random person by simply saying 'how are you feeling today?". No one will kill you for saying that, infact some people might find it as an of generosity. So go out there and be a champion of the break-up game.

Take care everyone!

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